Wednesday, March 26, 2025

City planners leave positions

Staff Writer | March 16, 2024 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — In recent weeks, both the Sandpoint senior city planner, Amy Tweetin, and assistant city planner, Sarah Gilmore, concluded their employment with the city of Sandpoint.

Mayor Jeremy Grimm said that both employees moved out of state to pursue new jobs. Tweetin has taken a position with her former employer in Michigan. Gilmore took a position closer to her family in Virginia. 

Tweetin has been working for the city for over two years, managing building permit applications, giving presentations to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, and helping develop plans among other tasks. During her time with the city she has helped develop Sandpoint’s Comp Plan. 

In the pair’s absence and until new planning staff are hired, Grimm said the city will be working with Daren Fluke, who worked with the city prior to Tweetin’s employment, Grimm said. Fluke is a senior planner and project manager with Jacobs, an international planning firm that specializes in serving governments, cities and businesses with planning services. In his previous role he helped the city manage land use planning files and projects.

“Darren is very familiar with the city of Sandpoint Land Use Code and our internal processes, Grimm said. “We are presently working through a service agreement to bring Darren and his team back to manage planning-related matters until these positions are filled. 

Grimm said the city is presently working through a service agreement to bring Fluke and his team back to manage planning-related matters until these positions are filled.

“We expect to have Daren on board next week and are already underway with interviews with the numerous applicants who have applied for these positions,” he said. 

Grimm said he and the city pass along best wishes to both Amy and Sarah in their future endeavors.