Monday, March 10, 2025

Bonner County History - March 26, 2024

| March 26, 2024 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

March 26, 1974 – EAGLES CELEBRATE 70TH

Fraternal Order of Eagles, Sandpoint Aerie No. 589, will celebrate its 70th anniversary March  30-31. On Jan. 7, 1904, officers for the Sandpoint Eagles were installed. In the Aerie’s 70-year history, there have been eight state presidents from Sandpoint. 



Water content of the mountain snowpack continues to set record highs for this time of year. On March 1, snow depth at the 6100 foot level on Schweitzer ridge averaged 166 inches with 61.5 inches of water. This is the highest water content since measurements were started 10 years ago.  



At its March meeting, the Do-n-Dine 4-H Club installed officers for the new 4-H year: President, Carol Klippstein; vice president, Leah Yount; secretary, Sandra Dingman; treasurer, Linda Palmen; historian, Joyce Nelson; reporter, Paula Palmen; and song leader, Barbara Greenleaf.

Club members Laurie Newton, Paula Palmen, Lois Scott, Teresa Young and Leah Yount recently delivered baby clothes to Bonner General Hospital.  



Bomb scares caused cancellation of school Friday at the Junior High and an interruption of classes on Tuesday. Both threats were phoned in by a caller with a youngish male voice. Tuesday’s was the third threat in two months at the Junior High. 

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

March  26, 1949 – DEER MORTALITY HEAVY

Many deer did not make it through the toughest winter north Idaho has had in many years, said Orville Heath of Sagle, who has been chasing wildcats and looking for cougar during recent weeks. Heath and his son Louis 10 days ago found seven dead deer and a number in very weakened condition north of Trestle creek. Most of the dead were blacktails. In late January they found nine deer carcasses in two miles along the shore in the Maiden Rock area east of Careywood. Coyote sign was numerous. In the Morton-Dufort area two weeks ago, they bagged two bobcats, but lost a dog on a cougar hunt in the Spirit Lake district. 



Sally Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Miller, entertained friends in honor of her seventh birthday with a theater party and then games and refreshments at her home. Guests were Sharon Peterson, Judy Jackson, Karen Savage, Janice Yager, Lois Holland, Karen Walker and Linda Miller. 



The last Selle Grange meeting was postponed because of drifted roads. Two snowstorms the past week had stopped all traffic on Selle road, but plows opened the roads Friday and snowbound more [sic].

Jack Murray purchased a new Ford car last week.

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