Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Leadership class aims to help NAMI chapter

Staff Writer | March 26, 2024 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — This year's Leadership Sandpoint class is determined to help the local National Alliance on Mental Illness chapter gain its Sand Creek Clubhouse.

Leadership Sandpoint, a Greater Sandpoint Chamber program, is supporting NAMI Far North for its annual fundraising projects to support the launch of the new Sand Creek Clubhouse.

Serious mental illness accounts for 5-6% of the population, which translates to one in 20 people. In Bonner and Boundary counties, approximately 4,000 community members suffer from serious mental illness, including schizophrenia, bipolar disease, and severe PTSD, among others. These debilitating diseases interrupt a person's life, and negatively impact their relationships as well as their sense of purpose and employment.

"People in recovery from serious mental illness deserve our collective support to reignite their sense of purpose and reintegrate back into our community,” said NAMI Far North president Dr. Dawn Mehra. “We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Leadership Sandpoint for their commendable efforts in shedding light on and fundraising for this often overlooked segment of our counties."

The Sand Creek Clubhouse will be a new addition to the Sandpoint community, offering a safe place for those living with serious mental illness to reestablish relationships, community connections, and a sense of purpose — especially for those who are rebounding from harrowing psychological breaks. The facility is an extension of an international group called Clubhouse International, which has created over 300 clubhouses — or out-patient care facilities for those struggling with mental illness — in 30 countries.

Through Flamingo Flocking and Sandpoint’s annual Cinco de Mayo Block Party, Leadership Sandpoint hopes to help create awareness and raise funds for the new clubhouse. Flocking will allow Sandpoint residents and businesses to encourage residents to donate April 1-30 by moving the flamingo flock around town. Businesses, friends and neighbors can “flock” each other with a $50 donation to the cause. Fill out the flocking form at bit.ly/3TR5kYG.

The fundraising effort wraps up with a celebration on Main Street from noon to 4 p.m. as part of the Cinco de Mayo Block Party.

All proceeds from both fundraising efforts will benefit NAMI Far North.

NAMI Far North is hoping to raise a total of $125,000 in donations and grants and has already secured a site for the Sand Creek Clubhouse. More information on the clubhouse concept can be found at clubhouse-intl.org. Donations to help the Sand Creek Clubhouse Project can be made through the Sandpoint Chamber at sandpointchamber.org/annual-events/cinco-de-mayo.