Wednesday, March 26, 2025

WBCSD levy information meeting set

| May 8, 2024 1:00 AM

PRIEST RIVER — While several informational meetings have already been held, more are on tap to give West Bonner residents information on the school district's one-year supplemental levy on the May 21 ballot.

The presentations are a way for voters to learn about a $4.648 million, one-year supplemental levy and what those funds would pay for.

Meetings are being held: 6 p.m. today, May 8, Priest River Lamanna High School, 596 Highway 57, Priest River; 6 p.m. Monday, May 13, Laclede Community Center, 24 Moore Loop Road, Laclede; and 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 14, Idaho Hill Elementary, 402 E. Third St., Oldtown.

Other meeting dates on the schedule are a May 8 Facilities Committee meeting and the May 15 board meeting.

On the official ballot, safety, security, and maintenance costs make up $917,000 of the levy with roofing totaling $425,000, HVAC/boiler issues totaling $275,000, plumbing $100,000, and purchased services and supplies adding another $117.

A school resource officer also is on the levy, adding $72,045.

Extracurricular, co-curricular, and athletics also would be covered by a levy if approved by voters, adding up to $376,500.

Transportation system, new buses and supplies total $258,540 of the proposed supplemental levy; while child nutrition would add $100,000.

Curricular materials add $86,500 to the proposed levy; technology adds $40,006; and health and liability insurance increases add $112,000.

Also on the levy ballot are salaries and benefits to recruit and retain support staff, totaling $1,423,382; and salaries and benefits to recruit and retain instructional, pupil services, and administration, making up $1,262,244 of the levy.

The proposed supplemental one-year levy — set at $4,648,217 — would cost taxpayers $94.43 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value.

Groups interested in hosting a presentation on the proposed levy should contact WBCSD clerk Julie Hinshaw at 208-448-4439.