Thursday, March 06, 2025

Hutchings is the best choice for North Idaho

| May 16, 2024 1:00 AM

Spencer Hutchings’ campaign is overwhelmingly financed by local donations. In contrast, two-thirds of Mark Sauter’s campaign has been financed by big businesses such as BNSF, Idaho Forest Group, the Idaho Association of Realtors, plus various PACs. Considering that Sauter will be spending close to both years of a state rep’s salary for his primary campaign, just who would he be representing? Us citizens, or the corporations who financed him?

Spencer Hutchings is committed to the communities and values of North Idaho. Whereas his other opponent offers blind allegiance to Scott Herndon’s control of the BCRCC, in contrast Spencer Hutchings challenged the direction the BCRCC was taking. Spencer Hutchings is more concerned with true fiscal conservatism and values than belonging to the correct Republican church.

Finally, Spencer can math. Spencer Hutchings understands that most problems can be solved by due diligence research, mathematical analysis, and applied critical reasoning. You can be certain that Spencer Hutchings will fully understand what is written in every bill that he votes on, and what it will mean for his constituents.

Please join me in supporting Spencer Hutchings for State Representative in District 1A, the one qualified candidate we have running. Spencer Hutchings is the candidate that is financed locally, who can represent North Idaho without being beholden to corporate interests or religious dogma, who possesses true critical thinking skills, and most importantly Spencer Hutchings is the one candidate who represents the true conservative values of the majority of North Idaho’s citizens.

