Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Protests, peace and reflections of Vietnam

| May 21, 2024 1:00 AM

When I see the protests appearing to grow stronger at college campuses across this nation about the war  Israel has taken on, it makes me reflect upon the protests against the Vietnam War, particularly since I was a reporter/photographer in the U.S. Army in 1968 and 1969 in that war.

Shortly after I returned home from Vietnam two days before Christmas in 1969 I found I was unsure if the protesters against the war were about the loss of life of American soldiers or about the loss of life for North Vietnamese soldiers and innocent civilians. 

The Palestine-supporting protesters calling for an end to the war and savoring some sort of peace treaty are easy to support in principle. They are correct that too many innocent civilians have been killed (far too many!)  And yet, will Israel ever have a safe country to live in after all the damage that has been done? (And the killings they have been responsible for.)

I can't even imagine how all the rubble can be removed (to where?) and how will the buildings ever be rebuilt and at what cost. This doesn't affect all of us in Bonner County and frankly I am glad it doesn't. But a thinking man does not ignore what is happening on this planet we love called Mother Earth.


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