Monday, March 17, 2025

Bonner County History - May 23, 2024

| May 23, 2024 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

May 23, 1974 – BIRTHS

May 14 – Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Egger, Sandpoint, boy, 10 lb. 2 oz.; May 15 – Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Pabst, Heron, Mont., boy, 8 lb. 2½ oz.; May 17 – Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ahner, Sandpoint, boy, 5 lb. 12½ oz. and Mr. and Mrs. William Peterson, Sagle, boy, 10 lb. 2½ oz.; May 20 – Mr. and Mrs. Gary Finney, Sandpoint, boy, 8 lb. 1 oz. 



Paul Trunnell, a Clark Fork High senior, came home from the state A-3 meet with a first place in the high hurdles and a time of 16.1 seconds. He also took second in the long jump with 21 ft. 3¼ inches. Besides the joy of receiving the medals for his races, Paul has the honor of holding the school record in high jump, long jump, and high hurdles. He has also been active on the varsity football and basketball teams throughout his high school career. 



Piano students of Arlene Yeakel gave a recital in the home studio of Mrs. Yeakel Monday. Especially enjoyed by the audience were duets, double duets at two pianos and folk tunes for two pianos. Pupils in the recital were Leslie Rosholt, Judy Wolfe, Michelle Plaster, Lori VanDenBerg, Kathy Abromeit, Coulette Bloom, Danny Powell, Deana Mott, Becky Meserve, Kevin Chapin, Carolyn Robinson, and Molly Bloom. 

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

May 23, 1949 – JIM DUNN JOINS ARMY

Fred James Dunn, son of Mrs. Grace Dunn of Kootenai, left Friday evening to report to Fort Ord, Calif., where he will again enter army training.



Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Loman announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty Lou, to Dean Largent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Largent. Miss Loman is a U of I senior. Mr. Largent is studying dentistry at U of Washington. Plans are being made for a June wedding in the Methodist church here. 



Tuesday marked a step forward in Bonner county dairying when 14 dairymen and their wives took possession of International Harvester milk coolers, which will help them qualify as producers of grade A milk. Before noon the group went to the G.N. station where a car of milk coolers was spotted and pictures of the occasion were taken by Ross Hall. 



Among 41 nurses receiving diplomas from Sacred Heart school of nursing Saturday were Miss Norma Jean Johnson [later Wagoner] of this city and Miss Margarete Riecken, Vay, both of whom graduated from Sandpoint high. Friends and relatives attending were Mrs. Julia Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bishop, Miss Joy Newland, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Elliott of Coolin, Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Riecken of Kootenai and Miss Billie King. 

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