Friday, January 10, 2025

Bonner County History - Nov. 10, 2024

| November 10, 2024 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864



50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Nov. 10, 1974 – PROUDLY WE SALUTE…

Navy Lieutenant Ronald S. Hagadone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hagadone, was promoted to his present rank at the Naval Recruiting District, Indianapolis. A 1971 U of I graduate with a B.S. in education, he joined the Navy in June, 1971.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Carr of Clark Fork were recently notified by the U.S. Army Training Center in Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. that their son, Kenneth, was an honor graduate of his battalion’s advanced training course. Ken will be home on leave for Thanksgiving and then will be assigned to Germany.

Navy Radioman Third Class Donald Lunde, son of Mrs. Catharine Davis, Sandpoint, is a crewmember of the USS Blue Ridge homeported in San Diego. Lunde gave blood recently in a drive for “honorary shipmate” John Marsh of LaMesa, Calif. A 1970 SHS graduate, Lunde joined the Navy in Feb., 1972. 



Bonner County voters in the Humbird precinct are accustomed to the faces of Olivia Sund, Mrs. Selma Surby and Mrs. Gertrude Mountjoy, who have all served on the election board many years. But Miss Sund, 81, says this was her last year. The ambitious lady worked for Sandpoint Lumber & Pole Co. and later Shaeffer-Hitchcock Pole (now Joslyn Mfg. & Supply) for 44 years. In 1956 she went to work for Hedlund Lumber Co., retiring in 1970. A resident since 1906, she also served as treasurer of the congregation for First Lutheran Church.


75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Nov. 10, 1949 – STORES CLOSED NOV. 11

The chamber of commerce retail merchants’ committee announced that Armistice day will be regarded as a business holiday in Sandpoint. The city has always observed the holiday except when it fell on Saturday, which makes it difficult to observe for some business institutions serving the general public. There will be no observance of the holiday here except the American Legion auxiliary dinner for ex-service men at the Community hall at 6:30 p.m.



Named to the staff of the Idaho Argonaut, U of I student newspaper, are Allen Derr, Clark Fork, managing editor, and Colleen Ebbe, Sandpoint, mailing staff. Donald W. Largent, Sandpoint, is on the engineering staff of campus radio station KUOI; Arlene Ralph, Clark Fork, is an announcer. Named for “The Glass Menagerie,” upcoming dramatic production are Marvin Alexander, head of the property crew, and Colleen Ebbe, crew member. Arden Gorsline, Sandpoint, is a member of the U of I band, and Jo Ann Rossman, Sandpoint, is on the business staff of Blot, a monthly student publication. 



Sprouse Reitz. Co., Inc. plans to open a store in Sandpoint. It will occupy the present Safeway store building next to the J.C. Penney co. when Safeway moves to its new store, next spring or early summer.


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