Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Turkey bingo helps create Christmas cheer

Staff Writer | November 19, 2024 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — When it comes to the ho-, ho-, ho-lidays, there's nothing better to get you in the mood than a little bingo.

At least when the Sandpoint Lions Club is involved — and the two days of bingo are the club's annual Turkey Bingo, a fundraiser that kicks off the club's annual Toys for Tots Christmas drive.

"This community prides itself with traditions," Janice Rader, Sandpoint Lions Club president, said. "The Sandpoint Lions Club is no different."

As far back as she can remember, Rader said the club's tradition of two days of bingo has kicked off the holiday season — both for the club and the community.

"Turkey Bingo is the only fundraiser, put on by the Lions Club to help raise funds for the Toys for Tots program," she said. "The Lions greatly appreciate every toy drive and fundraiser that this amazing community participates in."

This year, the event is being held at Sandpoint High School, 410 S. Division Ave., on Friday, Nov. 22, and on Saturday, Nov. 18. On Friday, games will be played from 6 to 8 p.m., with 10 games held; and on Saturday, Nov. 18, from noon to 4 p.m., when 20 games will be held. 

Games are $1 each with all funds going to Toys for Tots.

In addition, there will be a raffle for several large toys as well as a number of beautiful quilts donated for the event by the Cedar Hills Church congregation.

Rader said the club is excited to hold the event at Sandpoint High School and is hopeful the larger space will add up to more bingo players and more funds raised to help the community's youth and ensure a merry Christmas for all.

Funds raised during the annual campaign go to purchase new toys for area children — or gift cards for older youth — who live in the Lake Pend Oreille School District. Every Christmas, the Lions help almost 1,000 area children, from Sandpoint to Clark Fork and all points in between.

"Each year, the amount of applicants increases and it gets more difficult to fill the kids' wish lists," Rader said. "With diligence and determination, our toy purchasing committee searches the stores, looking for the best deals. With the community support, by attending our annual Turkey Bingo, we are able to provide for the families that can use a little help during the Christmas season."

The Lions started taking applications earlier this month, and Rader said demand for the program is already well above last year's total, with a sharp increase in the past two years compared to past years. In the past two years, the club has received hundreds of new applications in the first week they were accepted — 100 additional in the first week applications were accepted in 2023 and 150 this year.

"It's just been skyrocketing since," Rader said.

Because of the greater need in recent years, the Lions raised the goal for the community Christmas drive to $75,000 — to better reflect the number of people needing help.

"The need is greater and we don't want any child not to get a Christmas present," she said.

The Lions make the most of the money by bargain shopping and with the assistance of generous local businesses. 

In addition, the Cedar Hills Church congregation donates knitted hats, gloves, and quilts to add a personal touch to the Christmas gifts, Rader said.

The club is accepting Toys for Tots applications until Dec. 17. Applications are available on the Lions' website, and printed copies are available on the door of the Lions Club, 609 S. Ella Ave.

Donations for Toys for Tots can be dropped off at the front desk at the Bonner County Daily Bee, 310 Church St., from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Those interested can also drop off donations at area banks and Mr. Sub, 602 N. Fifth Ave. in Sandpoint.

Community members can also help out by volunteering to help the Lions Club or, even better, Rader said, join the club as a member.

Donations may be mailed to the Sandpoint Lions Club, Box 414, Sandpoint, ID 83864 or dropped into any one of multiple coin jars located around town. Donations should include a note that it is for Toys for Tots and, if you wish to make an anonymous donation, please mention that in your note.

If the donation is being made in someone’s name, be sure to also include a note.

Information: Sandpoint Lions Club, 208-263-4118 or online at

    Sandpoint Lions president Janice Rader calls a bingo number at the club's Turkey Bingo fundraiser in 2023. The annual event is the traditional beginning of the Lions' annual Christmas drive, Toys for Tots.