Sunday, October 20, 2024

Free will, not parents, determine political views

| October 20, 2024 1:00 AM

A recent letter writer called Kamala Harris a Marxist because her (estranged) father is. My dad (God rest his soul) was a Republican. Luckily, free will exists. Otherwise, I'd have to vote for a party that follows an old fool.

Harris isn’t a Marxist simply because biased websites claim it. Sociology professor Ted Henken states “Nearly all examples of communism in power came about through a violent revolution against the existing order and resulted in the abolition of private property, state takeover of the economy, one party, undemocratic rule, the crushing of dissent, and the loss of civil liberties and civil society institutions like a free press."

Unlike Trump, who has "concepts" of policies, hers are for people owning property and a two-party system. Heck, she pledges to have a Republican on her cabinet. Harris calls for "new penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises” because of a pandemic. The last time a president called for interfering with the free market to freeze prices, it was Republican Richard Nixon.

To end, Anna Grzymala-Busse, an expert on post-communist politics, says, “"Both of the mainstream American political parties are to the right of the most conservative mainstream parties in Europe, where *right-wing* parties support national health care systems, subsidized university educations, public housing, and far greater taxation.” Perhaps her true intent is to develop the U.S. into a country that cares for its citizens like other first-world nations. Truly evil.

