Sunday, October 20, 2024

Prop 1 is deceptive and misleading

| October 20, 2024 1:00 AM

I’m writing to shine a light on the dishonest propaganda being distributed about the upcoming ballot measure, Proposition 1. Prop 1 is being deceptively framed as a measure to promote open primaries. In reality, it is an attempt to implement Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) under the guise of reform. Proponents of this proposition, like Idahoans for Open Primaries, are misleading voters, claiming it gives more people a vote, when, in fact, it does the complete opposite. 

This proposition allows some voters to have more than one vote in any particular race, while others may find their ballots “exhausted,” meaning their votes are effectively thrown away. Every voter should have their ballot — and therefore their vote — counted. This system is not only confusing but also disenfranchises voters; it steals votes from those who deserve equal representation. 

Allowing certain voters to have more influence on election outcomes than others undermines the principle of one person, one vote. This sham should not have made it onto our ballot, as it directly contradicts the very core of fair and constitutional elections. 

It is disheartening that we find ourselves fighting against such an underhanded maneuver. Ranked Choice Voting should be illegal, as it warps our centuries-old Constitutional election process. Voters deserve transparency and fairness, not a convoluted system that weakens their power. 

We must inform our community about the truth behind Proposition 1. Don’t let out-of-state elites and special interests undermine the voice of the people. Vote "no" on Prop 1 on Nov. 5. 


Priest River