Friday, October 25, 2024

Bonner County History - Oct. 24, 2024

| October 24, 2024 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864



50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Oct. 24, 1974 – “DOG” A COYOTE

A report in last week’s News-Bulletin was incorrect when it stated that a dog had been found skinned alive. Leo Black reported to the sheriff’s office that he had been trapping coyotes on land owned by Bill Kenne. The animal that was believed to be a dog was actually a coyote, which Black had skinned for the hide. The News-Bulletin apologizes for any sleepless nights incurred by readers. 



Chris “Evel” Pietsch will take his life in his hands tomorrow night at Memorial Field as he attempts to jump a Datsun pickup with a “little red wagon.” The SHS senior is doing the stunt in connection with the Bulldogs final home game of the season. Pietsch and a few other seniors have built a plywood ramp which will be set in the bed of another pickup to provide enough height to clear the Datsun and which he hopes will carry him and his wagon across the bed of his Datsun and on to another ramp that will guide him to a soft landing on a pole vaulter’s fall breaker. Pietsch, with nothing but success in mind, will give the wagon, donated by Gambles variety store, to a lucky youngster in the audience after the stunt, providing the wagon is intact. If able, he will take his bows before the audience; if not, he will be chauffeured from the field in a makeshift ambulance. “Evel’s” next feat will be to jump the Pacific Ocean on a rocket-powered skateboard. 


75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Oct. 24, 1949 – NEWS FROM GRANITE

 Several Sewing club members met last week at Mrs. McKay’s home and canned vegetables for the school hot lunch program. 

Harold Riese transacted business in Spokane last Saturday in connection with aviation.



“I Am Under a Cloud,” a musical comedy, will be presented in Sandpoint by a local cast, including actors Art Tifft, Larue Roos, Carol McNeu, Beverly May, Pat Johnson, Jimmy Baugh, Marilyn Roos and Bob Horner, and a chorus of 10 girls. Directed by N.S. Woods, who wrote the script and the words for the 18 musical numbers, the play will also make a circuit to Priest River, Bonners Ferry and Coeur d’Alene. Upon completion of activities in Sandpoint, Mr. Woods will leave for Hollywood where he will be employed as a music writer for one of the studios.


SAGLE NEWS by Mrs. Leo Hartley

Clarence Reed came home Monday with the Jeffres party as he was suffering from an infected tooth. He was lucky and got his elk. Jim Reed and Marvin Hines remained until Saturday, but had no luck. The Jeffres and Millard party got two elk and were gone about one week. 

Earl Sheffler, Claude Parr and Harley Gunter last week helped on the barn at the V. Gunter home, so Mr. Gunter was able to move his milk cows over from the Verhei ranch on Saturday. 


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