Saturday, October 26, 2024

Ron Korn

| October 26, 2024 1:00 AM


Ron Korn is a retired business owner who was appointed to the District 3 county commission seat.

A Christian conservative patriot who loves his community and country, Korn has lived in Bonner County for more than 25 years and married to the love of his life for 33 years. They have been blessed with three great children.

He has volunteered with Bonner County Sheriff Search & Rescue and Northside Fire volunteer and founded 7 Bravo Militia and the Freedom and Civil Liberties Union, FACLU.

He can be reached via email at or online at  


1. Busy. I was appointed by the Governor on Sept. 27 and sworn into office on Sept. 30 to fill the vacancy temporarily until the general election. I voted to restore public comment to the agenda items the very next day. I’m working on getting the overreach of PHD out of our building location permits. I will start reviewing our county permits to either rewrite them or terminate them. I have helped restore the decorum of our business meetings making them much more professional and pleasant to attend. 

2. The first issue was to bring back decorum in the weekly business meetings so that the county business could be accomplished in a professional manner easing the tension within the room and allowing more respectful deliberation among the board and others. 

To bring back free speech on agenda items.

To restore respect to the board and to the People.

3. I’m proud to say that the issue has been rectified quickly in the two weeks since I was appointed by bringing my professional and respectful character to the team.

I’m proud to say that on my second day in office, I voted to restore free speech on agenda items at our business meetings.

By having an understanding of what the job is really about, representation of the People. As elected officials, we represent the People and are expected to work respectfully with other elected officials to get the work of the county accomplished.

4. Absolutely not!

It literally does away with the People's voice, is a huge financial cost to the county, would eliminate our voting integrity, would force the county into using Dominion machines and the internet, and is endorsed by the Communist Party of America. Proposition 1 is brought to you by the same people that support open borders and open bathrooms. Proposition 1 is Ranked Choice Voting and top 4 primary, NOT open primaries. They have lied to the People hoping we’ll fall for it. Don’t give them the satisfaction.

5. Yes, what I see is health care being weaponized by agendas. Unnecessary mask mandates to be with a loved one while in a hospital is ludicrous. The denial of health care if you don’t abide by their unsubstantiated rules should be criminal. Doctors leaving due to political reasons creating a gap in our healthcare is unethical. There is an upside to this though. Alternative healthcare and providers are growing in our area, providing the needed medical response and healthcare needed. What if we could start treating the cause instead of the symptom, and become a healthier society?

6. I see the most critical issue in my race as the push to elect liberals into office. We need strong conservatives in office that will fight for the People, not special interest groups. We have allowed our representatives to chip away at our liberties and freedoms for decades now. With inflation running rampant due to the Biden administration, we need to make sure that our local infrastructure is secure and that we focus on the actual duties of the government, and not to exceed those duties. As a conservative Republican, I will make sure our local government is limited to its Constitutional duties.

7. The issue of personal agendas. The issue will never disappear until we can elect statesmen who actually work for the People instead of agendas that only benefit a few. I am not a yes man, nor will I ever be. I will always stand for the People of our community to make it better for all, following our Constitution. 

8. I have always had a knack for building bridges and communities. I was able to bring the community together in 2020 when we had to save our Independence Day from the virus. I had 7 short weeks to rally our community and pull off the festivities. Not only did we save the parade and our fireworks show, but we added a Day At The Park for families to come together and celebrate one of our fondest celebrations. I consider myself an organizer of people. As a newly appointed Commissioner, I’ve already de-escalated a lot of the local contention by actually listening to the People and both sides of the aisle if you will. I bring professional leadership and respect to the table.

9. Government can lessen the burden of regulations on private citizens and businesses but should support impact fees to cover the expenses of infrastructure needed for the projects. Yet not deregulate at the cost of public safety or health.

10. I’ve already voted to restore the public comment on agenda items, I would encourage more public to attend county workshops, I would make it easier for the public to know when those workshops are, and I will make myself available to the public whether in my office or out in the field.

11. Humility, morality, 

12. What is your driving force to become a representative of the People?

I love our community! I have volunteered for decades in organizations around the county to not only give back to the community but to pay it forward as well. From my service in Bonner County Sheriff Search And Rescue starting back in 1998 becoming Commander, to Northside Fire volunteer, Scout leader, Panhandle Preparedness Expo board member, and Founder of our own version of Community Watch group of over 100 residents helping each other. I have also volunteered for Veterans Stand Down, CHAFE 150 bike ride, Lake to Forest Triathlon, and the Long Bridge Swim.

13. The choice is simple, we need great leaders in office that will represent the People. Leaders who love our community and have given so much personal time and dedication to make it better as I have being a volunteer. Leaders who understand the Constitution and will fight for your rights as I have and will continue to do as your statesman and Commissioner. Leaders who build bridges instead of walls as I've been able to do over the years uniting the community. Leaders who will stand between the People and the establishment, protecting your medical freedoms and others. Leaders who can think outside the box to solve problems as I’ve done for decades as a businessman. Leaders who stand for Christian conservative values as myself. The choice is quite clear, vote Ron Korn for commissioner in District 3 in November so that I may continue to serve the great People of Bonner County. May God bless America and our community.