Sunday, October 27, 2024

Who is actually voting in our elections?

| October 26, 2024 1:00 AM

A majority of representatives in the Idaho State House and Senate, Attorney General Raul Labrador and Governor Brad Little, Idaho’s two U.S. Senators Risch and Crapo, and Congressman Fulcher all agree that ranked voting is a bad idea.

Governor Little thinks it should be defeated, and Attorney General Labrador is currently suing in Idaho courts alleging Prop 1 is both unconstitutional and signatures for the initiative were fraudulently obtained.

Maybe they all realize that using algorithms to move votes from one candidate to another completely obliterates the notion of one person, one vote. Maybe they recognize that voting in this way can be manipulated by IT folks whose motives are potentially steeped in anti-American, anti-freedom, elitist ideologies.

Generations of people fought, and even died, for our freedom to vote. We cannot let them down by allowing other forces to take away our right and responsibility to vote for the candidate we feel is best suited to represent us.

Especially in these contentious times, we need transparency and fairness so that we can trust that our individual vote counts and that those elected were truly elected by the people and not by potentially biased algorithms.

