Monday, January 20, 2025

Bonner County History - Sept. 5, 2024

| September 5, 2024 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Sept. 5, 1974 – BIRTHS

August 27 – Mr. and Mrs. John Spurgeon, Sagle, boy, 7 lb. 10 ½ oz. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adkisson, Samuels, boy, 9 lb. 2 oz.; Sept. 2 – Mr. and Mrs. John Pucci, Sandpoint, boy, 8 lb. 5 oz.



A robbery of the Sandpoint Ben Franklin store [323 N. First] Tuesday night resulted in the loss of $600 worth of merchandise. According to Assistant Chief of Police Willard Piehl, someone hid in a false ceiling above the store until all the employees had left for the day, then helped himself to some 26 watches, some electric shavers, a hair dryer and various other items.



Monica Travers, Selle Satellites 4-H, is Fair Queen of the 1974 Bonner County Fair and Alan McNall, Gold n’ Grouse 4-H, is king. They were presented Thursday by Bob Wood, fair board chair.  



First Christian Church was the site of the Aug. 3 wedding of Miss Claudia Ann Dewey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dewey, Sagle, and Wayne Ridley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ridley, Sandpoint. Mrs. Earl Sheffler, the bride’s grandmother, baked the cake for the reception in the church hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ridley reside at Alpine Trailer Court in Sagle.

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Sept. 5, 1949 – FAIR TO DRAW MANY 

The annual Bonner county fair Sept. 8 – 10 will attract thousands of visitors. County Agent Leonard Brooks and former county agent Merle Samson are co-managers. Superintendents are: dairy cattle, Don Stueve; beef cattle, John Mathieson; sheep and swine, Eldred Edwards; rabbits, Frank Cochrane; horses, Jack Hickey; poultry, Mrs. H.L. Blood; foxes and mink, Denny Shields; field crops and seeds, Ed Nurmi; fruits, Mrs. C.W. Gresham; vegetables, Mrs. Ralph Chicks; potatoes, Glen Judge; women’s dept., county home demonstration council and Sandpoint civic club members; art, Sandpoint Camera club; flowers, Mr. and Mrs. Steele Barnett, Hud Nieman; 4-H club dept., Mrs. F.E. Dahlstrom, Lyle Martin; demonstration contests, Mrs. Carl Graham, Mrs. Stanley Rusho; home economics judging contest, Mrs. Arbutus Hulquist and Mrs. Jasper Mitchell.  



The Sandpoint area now has 14 pints of blood on tap in the Spokane blood bank for emergency use. Sandpoint’s blood supply was recently exhausted by a patient from here; when notified that it needed replenishing, Sandpoint Elks organized a caravan of blood donor volunteers, who went to Spokane in cars supplied by Charles Pennington, Bob Lattimore and Lloyd Larson. Blood was donated by Mrs. Bud Hadley, Severt Erickson, Lester Brown, Bob Nesbitt, Mrs. Harriett White, Mrs. Lucille Puckett, Mrs. C.W. Waring, Thor Verdal, Lloyd Larson, Carl Verdal, Pat McCrum, Art Rosholt, Ralph Hanson and Bill Parker.

For more information, visit the museum online at