Monday, January 20, 2025

Bonner County History - Sept. 8, 2024

| September 8, 2024 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Sept. 8, 1974 – 50TH SHS REUNION

Sandpoint High School graduates from 1918-1928 enjoyed a reunion Aug. 17-18 with 176 attending. The reunion was sponsored by the class of ‘24, celebrating its 50th anniversary. Robert Fisher, class of ‘24, and Neal Wendle, class of ‘23, were toastmasters for a banquet at the Edgewater Lodge. Karl R. Berg, ’24, was chairman for the event, which is held every five years. Committees were: food, Doug Bopp, ’26, and Bud Davis, ‘23; lodging, Bill Sindelar, ’20, and Aubrey Arthurs, ’25; recreation area, Jim DeMers, ’28, and Dave Bartlett, ‘25; music, Dick Senft, ‘25; secretaries, Glenn Bandelin, ’27, and Marion Ewing, ‘20; receptionists, Frances (Wendle) Miller, ‘25, and Ellamae (Farmin) Asby, ‘24. 



Strong, gusting winds and periodic heavy rainfall ripped through Sandpoint Saturday, causing power outages and flattening a building behind Brown’s Cabinets on Division in Sandpoint. Allen Brown said “the building just picked itself up and collapsed” about 7 p.m.  “The wind acted on the building like it was an airplane. Even the nails pulled themselves straight out.” He added, “an entire summer’s work went with that building.” The Northern Lights main transmission line to Priest Lake was knocked out for two hours by falling trees, while a tree broke a main PP & L line between Fish Hatchery and Gun Club Roads, leaving 400 without power for just under an hour. The high winds continued into Sunday, forcing many fishermen to abandon their plans for the day. 

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Sept. 8, 1949 – NEWS FROM MORTON

George Popplewell hauled two loads of building material from Farragut to Sandpoint for the building of the new Seventh Day Adventist church.

Mrs. M.F. Clark accompanied her brother, Carl Hulquist of Woodfairie, to Sandpoint Thursday to visit Mrs. Hulquist at the Bonner general hospital. The Hulquists are parents of a son born Sept. 1.



Norway lodge just north of Colburn has been developed over the summer by Peter Peterson and Leif Solberg, both of Chicago, who bought the Granada dance hall property, owned by the late James Pospisil, developing it into an ultra-modern motel. They have built four units and plan to add more. They also opened a coffee shop, specializing in short orders, steaks, chicken and sandwiches. 



More than 30 neighbors gathered at the Grant Pettit home on the Pine street loop Sunday for an old-fashioned wood-cutting bee. A buzzsaw and a chain saw, two teams and 14 men soon made up an ample supply of winter fuel. The women folk had not been idle and at noon a fine pot luck dinner was served to the workers. Mr. and Mrs. Pettit have resided on the loop for about 15 years. Mr. Pettit’s poor health sparked his neighbors’ kind gestures.

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