Monday, September 30, 2024

What is the Republican Party afraid of?

| September 12, 2024 1:00 AM

As I read the letters to the editors and such, the Republican party/voters are scared to death of Proposition 1. My first thought was "What is the Republican Party afraid of?" considering the bleeding red of this state.

The old excuse of the Democrats will vote for a Republican so they can easily can beat them. Dumb logic — and actually mostly untrue. The ones who get blocked are the unaffiliated voter, which I happen to be. It is so it irritating to me that they refuse to let me vote in the primaries. Oh, yes, I know ... I can hold my nose the swear that I am Republican for the day. Talk about making me a RINO.

I have voted for who I thought would do the best job, not the party. This is especially true of our local politicians. A lot of them we actually know or others we know of them, what their word is. So I have voted for the person. But then the Republicans shut down their primaries. So I could not vote for the person I knew was doing the best job. She actually is a Republican. I believe in her so much. I held my nose and sign the paper so I could still vote for her as I wanted her to be on the ballot come November.

I found her to be honest, respectful and the rarest of all, she represented all of us citizens. She voted for the people and what was good for Idaho citizens. I wanted her there come November as there were some pretty bad choices that were running against her. So I became a Republican for the day and marked my mark next to her name. Luckily we did get someone like minded. I rejoice. Now we can vote for the, good guys again. 

