Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Boeing's failures are a source of concern

| September 15, 2024 1:00 AM

After reading a Sept. 7 article about Boeing 777 jets and the chaotic production problems at the Boeing 777 assembly facility in Everett, Wash., and all of the other documented failures of Boeing jets such as the major crashes, and the door blowing off of an Alaska Airlines flight at 16,000 feet, landing gear failures, and wheels falling of some Boeing jets in mid-flight I am very concerned about flying in a Boeing jet and will avoid flying in a Boeing jet whenever possible.

Then you read about those two astronauts stranded at the space station because of their Boeing space module has failed and has leaking helium issue. So now these poor two astronauts have to stay up at the space station until they can be rescued in February. Their original trip was for only 10 days. NASA has ruled that the Boeing space module is unsafe and will not allow those two astronauts to return to earth in it.

If I owned any Boeing stock I would sell it before Boeing has to file bankruptcy. I’ll probably get a letter from some Boeing attorney advising me to cease and disease any further written communications regarding Boeing and their poor quality 777 jets and their spacecraft.

I’m sure glad Boeing does not manufacture automobiles because some dumb people would probably buy some and we all would be unsafe.

