Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Bonner County History - Sept. 15, 2024

| September 15, 2024 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864



50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Sept. 15, 1974 – NEW HOME ECONOMIST

Miss Susan Marie Gohs [who later became Mrs. Jim McNall] is the new Bonner County Extension Home Economist for the University of Idaho Cooperative Extension Service. This summer she was employed with the University of Wisconsin Extension Service in Milwaukee. She was a 4-H club member in Wisconsin for 8 years, a junior leader for 2 years, and also has experience as an assistant adult leader. Miss Gohs fills the position recently vacated by Miss Joanne Miller. 



A group called “A Congress for Community Progress” is developing questions to be included in a survey for the entire community. Patterned after the New England town hall meeting and sponsored by the Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce, the Congress emphasizes community improvement and setting up priorities of community needs. Its basic purpose is to unite normally unrelated segments of the community into a cooperative working unit. The Congress is a grass-roots program with people from all walks of life utilizing their ideas on what should be done in the community. A steering committee made up of Jim Fenton, Hazel Hall, Mrs. Tom Robideaux, Bob Camp, Dick Curtis, Bud Davis, Buzz Durham, Bill Fournier, Ann Finney, Bill Straley, Gary Pietsch, Dr. Robin Beck and Chet Howell, Sr. has been organized. Don McCormick is the group’s chairman; Curtis, vice president; Ann Finney, secretary; and Mrs. Robideaux, publicity. 


75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Sept. 15, 1949 – NURSES DONATE $500

Nurses of the old Community hospital contributed

$500.66 to the new Bonner General Hospital, Inc. The nurses raised the money by disposing of a cedar chest filled with gifts. Contributions toward the $75,000 cost of the new hospital are still coming in. Anyone who has not contributed is urged to do so. Besides the nurses’ donation, other checks turned in include one for $5, one for $500, and one for $1000.



Ground has been broken for the new hospital by Louis Johnson, who has a contract to build its foundation. Kenmor Marina is readying the barge to be used to transport the old naval base dispensary from Farragut to Sandpoint. The structure will be brought up in sections, unloaded at Dover, brought up the highway to the new hospital site on Alder street just north of the postoffice, and re-erected on the new foundation. Dismantling and moving of the Sandpoint Motor company warehouse is nearly finished; the old apartment house on Third and Alder has been leveled; and the small house on the new hospital property has been sold to Charles Tiggelbeck.



Among students leaving Wednesday for college were Jack Selle, Bill Elsasser and Ralph Walter. 


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