Sunday, September 22, 2024

Climate change, abortion and fanatics' views

| September 22, 2024 1:00 AM

One proof that the climate crisis fanatics are wrong lies in the fact that they are unable to distinguish between a “climate denier” and a “climate crisis” denier. Their limited number of active brain cells just will not allow them to understand simple English vocabulary.

A “climate denier” is, obviously, someone who denies that there is such a thing as a climate. That is English comprehension 101. But anyone who denies that there is such a thing as a climate must be living in la la land. Climate is obvious because it exists all around us and we exist in it every day.

And “climate change” is also obvious because it changes around us in a perpetual manner. No two years are ever the same. Hot, cold, or moderate, the climate is always changing. That is a scientific fact.

“Climate crisis,” on the other hand, is a purely subjective notion, entirely dependent upon a person’s worldview, presuppositions, and emotional state of mind. One person’s crisis could easily be another person’s paradise. And a climate crisis, being subjective as it is, is not provable by the scientific method or by scientific models.

These same fanatics will argue for abortion by insisting that it is the woman’s body, when, in scientific fact, the fetus is a separate human being dependent upon the mother’s body for nourishment and growth. An argument can reasonably be made that those who think the fetus is the woman’s body are mentally ill and need serious help.

