Sunday, September 22, 2024

Vote for candidates by choice, not party politics

| September 22, 2024 1:00 AM

When choosing candidates for public office, how does an Idaho citizen cast their vote if they favor a Republican for governor, a Democrat for U.S. Senate, a Libertarian for state senate and an independent for state representative? Under the current closed primary system, they cannot. They are denied the right to have a full voice. However, if we pass our Prop 1 initiative for open primaries in Idaho, all voters will be able to pick the candidates they support, regardless of political party affiliations.

There are over 270,000 Idaho voters who choose to be unaffiliated (near 128,000 serve in the military) that are prevented from choosing from the full field of candidates seeking public office. It seems especially wrong that individuals who are serving our country can not fully participate in choosing their legislative leaders. 

Further, for the general election, passage of rank choice voting under Prop 1 will declare the candidate, who receives 50% or better of the total votes, the winner. With no hidden agendas, Prop 1 presents a simple, fair system respectful of all Idahoans casting votes.

Please vote yes on Proposition 1.

