Wednesday, March 05, 2025

LPOSD priority enrollment ends today

| February 1, 2025 1:00 AM

The priority window for new students to enroll in Lake Pend Oreille School District closes Feb. 1. 

Open enrollment applications will still be accepted after Feb. 1, but submissions received before the deadline may be given first consideration. Students already attending a school in LPOSD have no need to enroll.

Idaho’s 2023 open enrollment law allows students living within or outside a school district’s boundaries to transfer to any public school when classroom space is available and there is no negative impact to the receiving class, school or district. 

According to LPOSD’s application form, the children of district employees, students with siblings in the district, students whose enrollment will not be a detriment to the efficient use of district resources, and pupils previously enrolled in LPOSD who have met attendance and behavioral requirements will be given priority when applications are considered. 

LPOSD’s board policy states the district may deny applicants if they have been expelled from another district or have a history of disciplinary issues. 

Successful applicants will be notified by LPOSD by the end of the first week of school in September 2025. The applying student and parent/guardian are required to enter a contract with the district that specifies that LPOSD reserves the right to remove the student at any time due to poor behavior, lack of academic progress or poor attendance.