Legals for February, 14 2025
STATEMENT OF COUNTY CLERK UNDER SEAL OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Bonner County Revised Code Agricultural Protection Area Ordinance The Bonner County Clerk has approved the following summary of an ordinance under I.C. $ 31-715A and believes it to contain a true and complete summary of the adopted ordinance and further provides adequate notice to the public of the adopted ordinance: SUMMARY OF ADOPTED ORDINANCE Bonner County, a political subdivision of the State of Idaho, pursuant to I.C. § 31-715A, hereby provides the following summary of an adopted ordinance: Ordinance #2025-718 Adoption of the Agricultural Protection Area Ordinance An Ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho, establishing the Bonner County Revised Code, Title 16 to protect and enhance the economic and cultural benefits that working lands provide to residents of Bonner County by promoting proactive planning tools for working landowners to maintain and enhance the economic value of working lands without impacting the property of others by designating agricultural land as protected areas. This ordinance creates a procedure for forming an Agricultural Protection Area Commission, its responsibilities to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners those properties interested in creating a protection area and the procedures for holding hearings and placing a protection area in compliance with Idaho Code § 67-97 Agricultural Protection Area Act. A copy of the full text of this adopted ordinance may be obtained at the Bonner County Commissioners Office at 1500 Highway 2, Suite 308, Sandpoint, ID 83861 (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). A true and correct copy of this notice shall be published in accordance with I.C. § 31-715. Dated this 3rd day of February 2025, /s/Jennifer Ralls, Bonner County Clerk The Bonner County Commissioners hereby place their seal this 3rd day of February 2025 as required by I.C. § 31-715(3) /s/Ron Korn, Vice Chair Bonner County. Commissioners Legal#6769 AD#32554 February 14, 2025 _______________________
NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT CITY OF PRIEST RIVER THE CITY OF PRIEST RIVER is providing notice and a public comment period to end on Monday, March 3, 2025, for the following Planning and Zoning application: Wesley and Ann Weaver are requesting a Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) moving the connecting line between Lot 4A, with an original lot acreage of 4.14 acres and Lot 3, with an original lot acreage of 2 acres, one hundred (100) feet to the West. Taking .66 acres from Lot 4A, for a new lot acreage of 3.47 acres and adding .66 acres to Lot 3, for a new lot acreage of 2.66 acres. The property is generally located on Shannon Lane or more accurately as: Lot 4A, Block 3, as depicted in the replat of Lot 4, Block 3 of the Priest River Development Corporation Industrial Park, which is recorded in Book 10 of Plats, Page 174, Records of Bonner County, Idaho. and Lot 3, Block 3, of Priest River Development Corporation Industrial Park, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Book 10 of Plats, Page 19, records of Bonner County, Idaho The file for this application may be reviewed at Priest River City Hall, 552 High Street, during regular business hours. Written testimony concerning this Planning and Zoning application must be received at City Hall by 5:00 pm on Monday, March 3, 2025. They may either be dropped off at City Hall, mailed to the City of Priest River at PO Box 415, Priest River, ID 83856, or emailed to Legal#6774 AD#32758 February 14, 2025 _________________________