Friday, February 21, 2025

Fight plans for long-term parking disaster in Sandpoint

| January 30, 2025 1:00 AM

The proposal for charged parking in Sandpoint was shared at a recent Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

The following became clear as Sandpoint’s mayor and members of the commission spoke:

• For a fee of $400K, city officials reduced the number of parking spaces required by Averill Hospitality for the resort they plan to build near City Beach.

• City officials recognize the amount of parking to be created by Averill Hospitality for the resort (144 spaces) is insufficient.

• City officials do not know how Averill Hospitality plans to address the parking overflow. During the meeting, the resort’s parking plans were described as “fluid,” not solidified.

A parking disaster is pending. The mayor and city officials know it.

They plan to charge everyone, including Sandpoint and Bonner County residents, for parking in city lots. The new fees are intended to prove that they can obtain the money needed to build a parking garage, which is estimated to cost $12 million in the distant future. They could and should have ensured Averill Hospitality created all necessary parking for the resort at their expense.

Under current plans, parking will be a nightmare in Sandpoint for years to come. Let the mayor and city council members know you want a near-term parking solution, and Averill Hospitality should bear the cost. For contact information and a meeting calendar, go to


Clark Fork