Bonner County History - March 9, 2025
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
March 9, 1975 – NEWS FROM HOPE
Area residents are urged to take advantage of the senior citizen 10-passenger minibus to Spokane, which leaves the Hope School at 7:30 a.m. once monthly. Round-trip fare is $4. In February, Martha Hodgkins, Berniece Murphy, Mary McConkey, Edna Smith and Lillian Hoskins had a delightful day.
Hope Girl Scouts attending Intl. Girl Scout Day at the Sandpoint Catholic Church were Wendy Phillips, Kelly Peterson, Linda White and Laura Wing.
About 30 parents attended Monday’s Colburn PTO meeting to hear school board member Darrel Kenops explain a proposed bond issue that would eventually phase out the Colburn School. Parents at the meeting seemed unanimously in favor of leaving the school the way it is. Head of the PTO, Mrs. Eileen Keller, said, “It is a community school that we like and our kids like it. We want to keep it this way.” Mr. Jim Kubecka, principal and teacher, said that in his opinion, “There’s not much sense in tearing something down that works perfectly well.”
Swearing in ceremonies took place Monday in city hall as Sandpoint gained three new police officers: Charles Schoonover, Jr., 19, Sandpoint; Paul Siem, 25, Sagle; and Bob Geenen, 28, Sandpoint. The trio, who began duties Monday afternoon, will attend officer’s training school in Pocatello this summer.
75 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
March 9, 1950 – SHS PEP BAND!
The Sandpoint pep band under Director Adair Hilligoss has had a busy season playing for athletic events to spur the Bulldogs on. They appeared as invited guests at the Panhandle basketball tournament at Wallace last week end. Band members include Mary Lou Ferraro, Retta Jean Rheinschmidt, Gloria Pietsch, Polly Nolen, Larry Smith, Ray Tribe, Muriel Witt, Vernon Schulze, Collie Brown, George Kalb, Alva Reeves, Morris Tillberg, Arlene Faurot, Evelyn Olsen, Charles Cassidy, Beverly May, Firle Selle, Joann Smith, Delores Nolen, Kenneth Mott, John McKenzie, Bill Kinney, Jerry Madsen, Norman Sommerfeld, Melvin Madsen, Milford Evans and Evelyn Boling.
Nathan Cohen Beskin, noted author, lecturer and preacher, who is a converted Russian Jew and a schoolmate of Joseph Stalin, will speak on the story of his life in Russia, Germany and America at a special program in the high school auditorium on March 14 at 8 p.m. Mr. Beskin is being sponsored in Sandpoint by the Church of the Nazarene and the public is cordially invited to attend, announced Rev. Jay Witt, pastor. “In a story you will never forget,” said Rev. Witt, “Mr. Beskin will tell how he was beaten, persecuted, left for dead, burned in effigy and why he became a Christian. Thousands have heard him in every state and Canadian province.
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