Thursday, March 13, 2025

Kindness, consideration go a long way

| March 13, 2025 1:00 AM

I have a friend who works for Door Dash to earn extra money in this increasingly expensive economy. She works really hard in her full-time job and just as hard at this side hustle. As Door Dash is a newer concept to our community and is increasing in popularity, I thought I'd share a couple of tips I've learned from her.

First, please make your address numbers visible from the street, especially at night. While the pretty hand-carved numbers are artistic, if they're the same color as your house, the delivery person can't see them. Get reflective paint or make sure your address is on your mailbox. 

In addition, if you are expecting a delivery after dark, please turn on your porch light. Your delivery person needs to be able to see where they're going and stay safe. If you live in an auxiliary unit behind another residence, provide explicit details in the app about how to find your dwelling, including house color and where to park. Please understand your driver is being paid almost entirely with tips and paying for their own gas and wear and tear on their vehicle. Compensate accordingly. 

Lastly, be kind. Most "independent contractors" have additional full-time jobs and are simply trying to support families in an expensive area during their off hours. I promised my friend I would get the word out, so please pass it on while enjoying the convenience of door-to-door service.

