Thursday, March 13, 2025

Runner shares advice for running, living

by LISA BOND / Contributing Writer
| March 13, 2025 1:00 AM

The Geezer Forum/Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc. hosted Carol Wright for an in-depth conversation Tuesday about her journey as a competitive runner and aspiring participant in the 2025 Boston Marathon.

At almost 83 years old, Carol has participated in endurance runs and marathons in recent years, starting this athletic adventure at around the age of 69 — beginning with her daughter’s urging to join her in a small competitive run.

What is most outstanding about Carol is her quiet and understated demeanor.  She speaks of her running accomplishments as if she is describing a mellow hike in the woods or stroll through a neighborhood. In fact, Carol trains with professional trainer, Mike Ehredt and has a comprehensive training schedule setting her up for success. In fact, she credits her work with Mike as being the key to her endurance and part of the reason she pushes to remain strict with her training. 

Carol shared her advice for anyone wanting to start something difficult and suggests that you have to decide you want to do something and then find someone who can help you figure out how to do it correctly. 

When asked what it is like to be her age and what advice does she have for others, Carol stated, being in her 80s is “wonderful!” Further she states, “Try to be as self-sufficient as you can, then learn to ask for help when you need it. I don’t think about being old.  It’s beautiful!” 

Lisa Bond is the executive director of Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc., and the new host of the Geezer Forum.

    Carol Wright, left, and Sandpoint Area Seniors director Lisa Bond are pictured at Tuesday's Geezer Forum.