Bonner County History - March 16, 2025
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
March 16, 1975 – THE BIG PINK
Collecting is fascinating, and to Gil Tortolani and Ann Dobkins, it seemed the ideal way to enter the Sandpoint business scene. They opened The Big Pink Trading Co. in the old pink warehouse at 504 Oak [in 2025, Foster’s Crossing]. The firm offers antiques and second hand goods, as well as style jewelry manufactured by his family. A Greek friend provides Baklava, a Greek pastry, which is sold with fresh ground coffee in the building’s kitchenette.
Jack & Jill Kindergarten braves and maidens who spent a week of Indian study were Jim Marley, Ricky Berrey, Monty Saasen, Jeanne Rust, Don Williams, Eddie Eitzman, Andy Raiha, Patty Judd, Carol Ann Leinan, Kevin Warrington, Brett Johnson, Charlotte Pellens, Kelley Mueller, Dana Boling, Shelley Jones, Chuck Perkins, Kelli Keough, Buck Rosgen, Debbie Woodward, Tom Kauffman, Ginette McNeil, Tammy Skinner, Tera Bowerman, Missy Wells, Tim Lyman, Jeff Kenops, Jackie Hanson, Tiffany Dowling and Anita Taylor. Mrs. Pat Ammerman runs the school.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Coy, Priest River, announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Diane, to Larry J. Hammack, Sandpoint, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hammack. Miss Coy, a 1973 graduate of Priest River High, is employed by Sandpoint School of Beauty Culture. Hammack, a SHS graduate, is an employee of Will’s Plumbing, Sandpoint. A May wedding is planned.
75 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Not satisfied with doing a good job, Old Man Winter polished off this year’s project by turning on a wind of blizzard proportions to fill roads north and east of Sandpoint with tightly packed snow last Thursday and Friday. After a respite of a few weeks, county road equipment was put back to work and the commissioners said they expected to have all roads plowed out before the end of the week.
Something new has been added to the city equipment. From now on, anyone for five miles around will know when it’s curfew time in Sandpoint, as well as when there is a fire. A new “Federal” vertical siren was installed Wednesday afternoon on the roof at the city hall. It replaces the old siren, which has been in use for the past 20 years. The new siren weighs 485 pounds and is operated by a five horsepower motor. It is weather-proofed by slanting metal roofs, which also serve to mushroom the sound out and downward so it will carry farther.
There are still two feet of packed snow on the Sandpoint airport runways, said Don Kramer, operator of the local air service; only local flying is being done, as all planes are still ski-equipped.
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