Sunday, March 16, 2025

Mud vacation in Bonner County

| March 16, 2025 1:00 AM

When we first moved to the farm on Beers Road, there were a total of five families on our county road. The road was narrow and grass grew in the center.

In the spring when the frost came out of the ground, our road, like almost all the county roads, was impassable. It was called “spring break up,” and it was like the mud had no bottom to it. Hap and Evelyn Keller weren’t even able to drive their four-wheel-drive school bus (a 1954 Willys box-like station wagon). There was no school for two and sometimes three weeks. We called it “mud vacation.”

Now there are over 50 families on our county road and it is an excellent year-round road.

Thank you to Jason Topp and his Bonner County Road and Bridge Department.

