Center's lack of support is not a surprise
I was disappointed to read that the new pickleball palace is not generating its own maintenance revenue. But it is hardly surprising. The folly of this project is difficult to overlook.
It was a sad day indeed when the venerable old trees that once graced Travers Park were replaced by a glorified circus tent, the utility of which serves only a tiny fraction of the community. And yet the citizens of Sandpoint, who were recently asked to pony up more funds for road repair, will now be on the hook for a substantial portion of the bill for heating, cooling, and polishing the letters that celebrate the donor’s family name. But the high cost of heating this inefficient structure will pale in comparison to the future cost of replacing its plastic sheathing, to say nothing of the environmental liability.
Maybe in the future Sandpoint could simply offer wealthy “philanthropists” interested in purchasing sainthood billboard space in exchange for a generous donation. It would still be an eyesore but much more environmentally friendly and a whole lot cheaper to maintain.