Sunday, March 23, 2025

Latest Sandpoint parking plan includes six-hour City Beach free period

Staff Writer | March 23, 2025 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Community Planning and Development Director Jason Welker announced during a March 19 City Council meeting that in light of public feedback, the latest draft of a proposed parking management plan that would introduce fees at off-street lots downtown will include an increased total of six hours of free parking per visit for pass holding city residents at City Beach. 

“That's really the number one thing we've learned through this engagement — people are concerned and anxious about how city residents might be excluded from their public waterfront,” Welker said.

When the plan was introduced Jan. 21, it featured two hours of free parking at all public lots for Sandpoint residents who purchase a $15 annual pass. On Feb. 4, the totals were revised to four hours at City Beach and three hours at all other off-street parking facilities, including the public lot at Third Avenue and Church Street. 

Visitors who exceed their free period would be charged $2-3 per hour, depending on the day and season. 

During Wednesday’s meeting, Welker also told attendees that city staff are considering eliminating the time limit for some on-street parking stalls currently designated to offer four hours of free use. The change would give downtown workers an alternative to the city’s off-street lot that “doesn't require them to leave their place of employment every three hours to avoid getting a ticket,” Welker said. 

Earlier this month, Sandpoint released a survey designed to solicit community input as city staff further refine the plan. Welker noted that the survey has received over 1,000 responses and will remain open until the end of the month to facilitate as much input as possible from community members living within city limits. 

“So far, only about 40% of our respondents are city residents. We're trying to increase the sample size of city residents on that survey,” he said.