Gumption up and stop being afraid
Len Golding (Daily Bee, March 13) dislikes transgenders in the military or probably anywhere else. My guess is that Mr. Conservative, Barry Goldwater, is in Golding’s pantheon of conservative heroes. Barry laid the foundation for the conservative revolution. However, he didn’t care about gays in the military. His only requirement was whether they could shoot straight. I’m sure he would say the same thing about transgenders.
Barry was like an uncle to some of his son’s friends growing up in Phoenix. In my case, he always unleashed a mock torrent of swearing that my family never voted for him and then he treated me kindly, like a member of his family, which brings up another point that Golding might consider. In spite of some of Barry’s outrageous, and even some dangerous views, (“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice”), he had an ethical and courageous core. He supported Richard Nixon during Watergate until he heard the incriminating tapes. He then went straight to the White House and told Nixon to his face to get the hell out. Nixon resigned shortly thereafter.
Compare that to the Republicans in Congress today who stink yellow in their fear of an unbalanced Trump. I suggest Mr. Golding not let transgender scare him. Just gumption up and be a man. Write letters about the real nonsense.
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