If you have climate crisis proof, show it
Upon reading Lawrence Fury’s letter (Daily Bee, March 6, 2025), I wish to pose a direct challenge to him and all other climate crisis believers.
It is claimed that there is a 97 to 99 percent consensus among climate scientists that life on earth is in imminent danger of ending due to human-caused CO2 emissions. My challenge is this: Please give us the names of all of those climate scientists, their qualifications which make them climate scientists, where they work, and exactly what they believe in common with each other. Is that too much to ask? If you cannot substantiate your claims of a consensus, then your claims cannot be believed and are probably not true.
In this debate about the climate, we should deal in facts instead of personal attacks, especially when those personal attacks are false and have nothing whatsoever to do with reality.
I would like to see Lawrence Fury address the subject of climate crisis instead of whimsical nonsense against his opponent. (Such as the false accusation that unless I actually experience something, then it doesn’t exist.)
Please give us some proof of the consensus claim. If the claim is true, then there should be strong evidence for it.