It's time to lessen impact to weather systems
A person doesn't have to be a climate scientist, or any kind of scientist for that matter, to reach the reasonable conclusion that the world is experiencing a climate crisis. All it takes is awareness of how global warming is adversely affecting the weather and an objective evaluation of the facts.
Use of the word “crisis” isn't alarmist, ideologically-motivated rhetoric. In this context, it signifies "time when a difficult or important decision must be made.”
See “Extreme weather and climate change-NASA.” Quote: “As Earth’s climate changes, it is impacting extreme weather across the planet. Record-breaking heat waves on land and in the ocean, drenching rains, severe floods, years-long droughts, extreme wildfires, and widespread flooding during hurricanes are all becoming more frequent and more intense.”
See “Global Warming 101-NRDC.” Quote: “As we see extreme weather events growing — in number and in intensity — all around us, it is evident that climate change is a crisis that must be tackled.”
See “Is Climate Change increasing the risk of disasters?-WWF.” Quote “As the climate crisis intensifies, there is no question that the intensity and frequency of extreme weather—often resulting in disasters—is increasing.”
See “How climate change is fueling extreme weather-Earthjustice.” Quote: “Human activity is causing rapid changes to our global climate that are contributing to extreme weather conditions.”
These are a small sampling of statements from organizations currently monitoring climate change. The message is clear. It's indeed time to make important decisions regarding how we can lessen our detrimental impacts on the Earth's weather systems.