To find our opinion based editorials, see below. We'll share opinion based editorial articles regularly for interested viewers.
What an Idaho school funding lawsuit might look like
It is not inevitable that the Idaho Legislature will invite a school funding lawsuit, but legislators appear at th…
Pitching in to make our community a better place
I want to take this opportunity to recognize some significant events of late.
Thoughts on our republic, your voice
Article Four of the U.S. Constitution has been the driving force behind why our country has survived and thrived for the last 240-plus years.
Ethical behavior and its role in government
Ethical behavior is an ongoing point of argument in government, and in politics in general.
Winter's unique personality requires everyone's patience
Another winter has shaped its own unique personality here in Bonner County and the recent snow events have stretched the road department relatively thin — both…
The Legislature, hot topics and our hospital
Serving in the Legislature and voting on proposed laws which affect us all requires gathering and understanding information across a broad array of topics. The most helpful and trusted resources I have found are th…
Proposed rule changes require citizen input
Greetings from the Capital. We have completed our fourth week of the 2019 legislative session and the administrative rules process is nearly complete.
Changes should bring regulatory freedom
Across the nation there is an increasingly evident issue regarding the ability of various industries to hire and maintain a workforce, due, in large part, to r…
A bright future ahead for city of Sandpoint
I wish everyone a happy New Year. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I want to take this opportunity to usher in 2019 with a brief State of the Cit…
A look at Idaho's school funding system
EDUCATION: Prior to being accepted into statehood by the U.S. Congress on July 3, 1890, we, the citizens of Idaho, ratified our state constitution in November …
Have ID legislators sold out to Big Pharma?
No mater what your personal beliefs on the effectiveness of vaccines, I want to raise awareness to Big Pharma’s influence on dissolving our nation’s most valua…
Reflections on panel's success, achievements
Committees are essential to the legislative process. I am privileged to serve on committees that encourage pro-growth economic policies and prioritize constitutional principles. Beginning in 2017, I had the honor t…
2019 legislative session is off and running
2019 is off and running and with it comes a new Idaho legislative session. I travelled down to Boise last Thursday just as the event-filled inaugural weekend k…
A few thoughts as legislators begin work
The start of the Legislative session is underway. It is an honor to represent all of you, my friends in Legislative District 7.
New Farm Bill enacted with bipartisan support
On Dec. 11, 2018, with my support, the U.S. Senate passed the final version of the new Farm Bill by an overwhelmingly, bipartisan vote of 87-13. The U.S. House of Representatives passed the legislation the next day…
Funding looms large over 2019 session
2019 will be a pivotal year for Idaho state government. We have a new governor, a new lieutenant governor and a new treasurer. Nearly 25 percent of the Legisla…