To find our opinion based editorials, see below. We'll share opinion based editorial articles regularly for interested viewers.
What an Idaho school funding lawsuit might look like
It is not inevitable that the Idaho Legislature will invite a school funding lawsuit, but legislators appear at th…
Backing collaborative forest management
The U.S. Forest Service reports that between 2010 and 2016, Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program projects resulted in the treatment of more than 2.4 million acres to reduce the risk of catastrophic wi…
Freeing the engines of our communities
I often think about the Americans in communities across this nation who have sat at their desks well into the night trying to make sure they filed necessary paperwork and kept up to date on federal regulations so t…
Celebrating country's shared independence
On the Fourth of July, we celebrate independence — the heart of Americanism. Our shared responsibility to safeguard our independence serves as a unifying force.
Don't relent on demand for bridge EIS
The Department of Lands in Boise just issued its permit approval for a second BNSF bridge across our beautiful lake. The residents of Sandpoint should be alarmed by this news. We should all be demanding why Bonner …
Strong borders needed to protect waterways
A story broke earlier this month out of Spokane, Wash., about a boat being stopped at the Washington-Idaho border. At first blush, it might seem like an odd ev…
Be in the know at the polls
What you need to know about the May 15, 2018, primary election!
Mayor's Roundtable: In complete gratitude
I hope everyone had a happy Earth Day. Thanks to 350Sandpoint for bringing the community together to celebrate this home we call earth. Thank you to all that fight every day to protect our environment, our communit…
Spring brings challenges for county's roads
For those of us who live and drive on rural Bonner County roads, this is an interesting season of weight limits, potholes and mud, soon to be followed by dust.…
Educated participation is key to democracy
Let me begin by wishing you all Happy Resurrection Day! This is the most important historical holiday that we have, and without it the world would be in a drea…
Property assessments are coming in June
In early June, each property owner in Bonner County will receive their 2018 assessment notice. This notice is a reflection of the estimated current market value of your property; in other words, the most probable p…
Lack of knowledge is a precursor to tyranny
“The American people owe it to themselves, and to the cause of free government, to prove by their establishments for the advancement and diffusion of knowledge…
What would you buy if you were a billionaire?
What do billionaires buy in today’s “everything is for sale” market? Well in Idaho it seems like one out of state billionaire is trying to buy a change to the …
Legislators hard at work setting budgets
Hello from snowy Boise. I was thinking that I’d miss the snow from home here in sunny — but cold — Boise but this past week brought about 4 inches of snow here…
Lies, statistics and the problem of social media
… lies, damned lies, and statistics …
Article V Convention bill raises questions
The last two weeks at the capitol have been overshadowed by the death of the husband of the secretary for the Speaker of the House. Because of these funeral se…