Letters to the Editor
Want to read a letter to the editor of Bonner County Daily Bee? See below to view their letters.
And now for the tough ones
District 1 legislators discuss local issues and concerns in the weekly Notes From Boise column.
Bill production heats up in Legislature
District 1 legislators discuss local issues and concerns in the weekly Notes From Boise column.
Risch: Idahoans deserve more freedom, not less
The will of the people is clear: we want more freedom, not less. The federal government ought to keep up.
Idahoans overwhelmingly support Medicaid Expansion
A young wife and mom, married with two delightful children, became seriously ill. She was admitted to a local hospital, but her infection worsened to the acute respiratory distress syndrome stage. She was transferr…
Constitution sets checks, balances on our government
Our American government is often compared to a tree with three branches. The trunk of the tree is our Constitution. The roots of the tree are the American people. The first branch (Article 1) is the legislative bra…
Security must take precedence over centralized control
On December 28, PowerSchool, the company paid with our tax dollars to store sensitive information for public schools, experienced a massive data breach.
Climate change, weather are not the same thing
The climate change evidence is illustrated by wild swings such as two years of drenching rain spurring a lot of vegetation growth. Then this summer it was bone dry. What mitigating measures could the red states hav…
Trump's executive orders raising dangerous precedent
My fellow Republicans, President Donald Trump recently issued an executive order that redefined the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution regarding birth citizenship.
Birthright citizenship should be abolished
I do not agree with birthright citizenship. Well, we'll see how it all plays out in the years to come. Deporting all the bad guys first will keep them busy for the near future.
What happened to ending economic pain?
I must have misunderstood. I thought I heard him say prices would be coming down. But now he’s saying prices will go up and we will be feeling some pain.
It's time to hitch up our britches
House (Bill 32, just passed, is about more than mask mandates. The bill, which is now in the Senate, moves the duties and responsibilities of local communities to deal with the spread of infectious diseases to a ce…
The border wall or foreign aid?
By using a medical analogy, is it better to treat the symptom or the cause? Are we after curative measures (problems) or palliative measures (symptoms)? What can the USA do best for the border or immigrant issues?
Whose choice is it really?
A few weeks back, I mentioned that funding of private schools with public money would be a significant policy question this legislative session. With five prop…
Trump's return is welcome, long overdue
Those cowards fly into Israel during a peaceful concert killing and maiming unarmed people and taking prisoners. Now after Gaza has been completely destroyed by the Israeli fighting forces, there is a ceasefire.
A song and a prayer for the 49.8%
Jesus loves you, this I know
McArthur Lake highway improvements are welcome
As a person who has driven U.S. 95 between Bonner Ferry and Priest River most of my adult life, the McArthur Lake area has always been dangerous.