Saturday, September 07, 2024
This loosely-designed takeoff on a Rosemary Verey garden plan can be extended, curved or narrowed to suit your own needs. It can be as large or small as you want it, and filled with your personal choice of shrubs, grasses, flowers and potted specimens that will be hardy here in North Idaho. Select your main "theme" color, your "secondary" color, and choose "balance" plants and "focal" points to complement and enhance each other throughout the whole scheme. The end result? Breathtaking!

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Create your own English garden in North Idaho
November 26, 2023 1 a.m.

Create your own English garden in North Idaho

Today, we take a page from the gardening books of two great ladies of English horticulture fame. Gertrude Jekyll and Rosemary Verey inspired today’s suggestions, since plans created by each of them jibe so beautifully with possibilities for our own location and climate. They’ve chosen the colors and arrangement and I’ve simply substituted more suitable selections for an equally stunning outcome. Everything on my list will be hardy in Zones 3-5, and if there’s a choice between a Zone 4 and 5, I’ll always pick the “4."