Monday, March 24, 2025

Showing results for "Hierarchy of Needs- theory psychology definition"

Stories 3 results of 40

Area students named to UI dean's list
March 18, 2025 1 a.m.

Area students named to UI dean's list

A number of students from Bonner and Boundary counties have earned a spot on the University of Idaho's fall deans list.

Bill to ban SNAP coverage for candy, soda heads to Senate
March 23, 2025 1 a.m.

Bill to ban SNAP coverage for candy, soda heads to Senate

Supporters see it as an important health step. Critics, including business industry, say definitions are unworkably broad.

Experts say sleep needs vary by age, person
March 19, 2025 1 a.m.

Experts say sleep needs vary by age, person

Most people spend a third of their lives sleeping, but you may need more or less than eight hours a night. The amount of sleep we need changes throughout our lives. Experts say when you're trying to figure out how much sleep you need, it's important to listen to your body. Most of the population gets between seven to nine hours — and that particular category has the lowest association with health problems. If you're getting the recommended amount of sleep every night but you're still waking up feeling tired, that can be a sign to get checked out by a professional.

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