Sunday, June 02, 2024


Searching for opinion based articles? Below we'll share opinion news articles on a wide variety of topics.

Updated 3 days, 2 hours ago

2024 legislative session saw many successes

District 1 legislators discuss local issues, legislation, and concerns in the weekly Notes From Boise column.

Updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago
Send Woodward back to Boise where he belongs

In over 70 years, I have never written a letter to the editor, but our upcoming primary election in May is too important to ignore and one I feel compelled to weigh in on.

Updated 4 weeks ago
Woodward is the right person for the job

When we vote in November, we want to be able to cast our vote for someone with substance. We want to choose someone who truly believes in our constitution and will work to uphold its values. Values that we see as i…

Updated 4 weeks ago
For honesty and integrity, vote for Woodward

Jim Woodward cares about all his constituents.

Updated 4 weeks ago
Herndon is not the right choice for District 1

In his latest scare-mongering mailer among all the other misleading assertions, Scott Herndon equates voting to form a committee to study the question of issuing driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, with failin…

Updated 4 weeks ago
Let's return Woodward to Idaho Senate

It's about time the voting citizens of Boundary and Bonner counties wise up to the disinformation, misrepresentation and outright lies being spread by flashy mailers about a political opponent.

Updated 4 weeks ago
Middle East is not a black-and-white issue

I just read the “My Turn” column by Mr. Gregory (Daily Bee, April 28). I lived in the Middle East for a few years and worked with many Palestinian people. I found them to be just like you and me: they want to make …

Updated 4 weeks ago
Choices have consequences; support Herndon

A stranger started up a conversation with us while we were buying plants. She said she was voting for Jim Woodward who has one of his expensive ubiquitous big signs across the street from the greenhouse

Updated 1 month ago
Woodward will deliver conservative common sense

In his letter, Don Myers (Daily Bee, April 14, 2024) advocates for “common sense,” and I’m pretty sure we can all agree that would be a good thing.

Updated 1 month ago
Lowman would serve region well in Legislature

My wife and I have lived in Sandpoint for just under three years and are grateful for the warm way in which we have been received.

Updated 1 month ago
Woodward would represent Idaho, residents

“Let’s make Idaho, Idaho.” What does that mean? Idaho is being invaded. Invaded by outside money, influences, and ideologies which if left unchecked I fear will ruin the Idaho that I have come to love for over 40 y…

Updated 1 month ago
Instead of extremism, let's choose moderation

There is nothing wrong with compromise for the good of the whole community. The constant push for personal agendas is gaining nothing but more division. Some Republicans and some Democrats are locked into extreme p…

Updated 1 month ago
Just what is Herndon talking about?

Senator Herndon has mailed out two postcards in his primary campaign for the Idaho Senate seat for District 1 against Jim Woodward.

Updated 1 month ago
Mark Sauter is the right person for the job

I read with interest a recent article in the Bee. A candidate was declaring their intent to run for election. I believe it warrants a response.

Updated 1 month ago
Beware of fake Republicans on May 21

Beware. We have many Democrats running as Republicans in the May 21 primary elections. The liberals who wish to exert more control over you and further degrade our society are inventing all sorts of ways to mislea…

Updated 1 month ago
Look at candidates' views of education when voting

I graduated from Sandpoint High School in 2014 and earned my master’s degree in 2021. I am confident that my public school education in North Idaho helped prepare me in both my undergraduate and graduate endeavors.…