Sunday, September 22, 2024


See the latest columns from Bonner County Daily Bee!

Updated 15 hours, 28 minutes ago

Bonner County History - Sept. 22, 2024

A look at the events, activities, and meetings happening around Bonner County, from Sandpoint to Cocolalla, from P…

Updated 12 months ago
God is here to help us live

Addictions are in people I encounter — and they are in me. I'd be a liar at the head of the line to say, “Nah, not me. I'm better than that.” A friend, who los…

Updated 12 months ago
Thornton's determination saved fellow SEAL's life

Military Tales celebrates servicemen and servicewomen and their service to the U.S.

Updated 12 months ago
Bonner County History - Sept. 26, 2023

Bonner County Historical Society and Museum shares interesting stories of the community's people, places, and events.

Updated 12 months ago
Bonner County History - Sept. 24, 2023

Bonner County Historical Society and Museum shares interesting stories of the community's people, places, and events.

Updated 12 months ago
Spiraea serves as foundation of woodland gardens

Birch-leaf Spiraea (Spiraea betulifolia) — sometimes spelled Spirea — is a small, deciduous shrub native to the Northwestern U.S., east to include the Intermou…

Updated 1 year ago
The beautiful land we live in

In the 35 years Sue and I have lived in Sandpoint, we have echoed the gratefulness of so many people for living in this beautiful part of America. Yet it’s so …

Updated 1 year ago
Call upon your brothers for help

Bonner County pastors share messages of faith and hope.

Updated 1 year ago
Bonner County History - Sept. 21, 2023

Bonner County Historical Society and Museum shares interesting stories of the community's people, places, and events.

Updated 1 year ago
Know risks, signs of ovarian cancer

Since September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC) says it's time to increase knowledge about ovarian cancer risks…

Updated 1 year ago
A good code to live by

Military Tales celebrates servicemen and servicewomen and their service to the U.S.

Updated 1 year ago
Sowing the seeds of 'thank you'

Eight letters — double the power of those often angry four letter words thrown out in haste. This one can live solo or in a crowd. It's hardy — able to flouris…

Updated 1 year ago
Bonner County History - Sept. 19, 2023

Bonner County Historical Society and Museum shares interesting stories of the community's people, places, and events.

Updated 1 year ago
Bonner County History - Sept. 17, 2023

Bonner County Historical Society and Museum shares interesting stories of the community's people, places, and events.

Updated 1 year ago
Apples star in new roles every day

Always a treat raw — eaten in hand or sliced onto peanut butter sandwiches — as well as in the classic apple, raisin and walnut salad — it shines too in myriad…

Updated 1 year ago
Discovering answers to prayer

Bonner County pastors share messages of faith and hope in the weekly Pastor's Corner.